Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day 4

Actually did not fall asleep until after midnight. Slept a little better then I have and did not get up till almost 9am. Dog needed out and cat wanted breakfast.

The nicer host asked me if I wanted to move to a site near the water tomorrow when people pull out. Said I was good where I was. Closer to water means more biting bugs. Here I have only had flies and dragonflies which is better then getting eaten. She also gave me a map and told me of trails and that if I get somewhere and have a problem just call and a ranger will get you back. Also if they see a car parked by a trail for more then two hours, they will ride in to check. I saw yesterday that some rangers ride the trails on golf carts.

Time to eat a little something and then get out of night clothes and then do something. Just know that I can't hike to Buffalo and Antelope Springs, with Paika,  because I just read that it is a no dogs trail once it goes east of Nature Center. It then becomes a wheel chair accessible trail. That also tells me that the hike is only a mile in from this area. Maybe park at Nature Center and leave dog in car under shade. Just random thoughts.

Tried to leave dog at camp in AC, but she was not having it. So loaded up and drove to Hillside Springs and parked. Paika decided she now had to pee so walked her to woods. Went to find the trail and remembered I forgot her leash on hood of car. Back we go, hook her up and start again. Hiked to Lincoln Bridge which is the entrance to Flower Park. Here we found the Vendome mineral well shooting water 3' in the air and running into a stream and healing pools. A women about a 100 was filling her jugs and swore to the healing properties. I drank about 1/2 cup worth holding my breath. If dog had any unknown ailments, she should be good from drinking and wading in it. Maybe I should return with a jug. ;-)

Then walked and found Black Sulphur Springs which is not running at leased not to the surface anymore. Rock Creek is a creek fed by 4 mineral springs and dog waded and drank from that too. We are taking a break in the shade as Paika was dragging arse. It is getting hot now.

Probably was a bad idea for break. By doing so mass fatigue washed over me. So calling it quits for now. Hiked back to car which we were happy to see. Dog so happy she could not wait to jump in.

Drove to parking lot near Vendome and put some water in a bottle to drink later. Now back at camp where I will remain for rest of the day. Since I missed ranger program last night, I will walk to Amphitheater for tonights program.

Only took 1 pic with phone today of Lincoln Bridge. Only took a couple more with real camera.

Did attend ranger program at Amphitheater tonight. On the walk over my dog got to see her first Armadillo as it crossed the road only a few feet in front of us. To dark to get a picture. :-( 
I was the only one that knew the answer to the question 'how many species were counted at BioBlitz last year'. Even though I was not able to attend as planed due to caring for my mom, I did read up on it after.

Talked to a few hosts afterwards. The one that I got in trouble with yesterday actually fell in love with my dog. When the other host found out I was walking, she said 'that's a long walk, do you at least have a flashlight?' No, but I will be fine as I have good night vision. I was told to be careful of snakes and such. I'll be fine.

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