Thursday, May 31, 2012

Car Day

What a day.. Got up at 5:30am after getting only 3 hours of very broken sleep. Fed cat, dog and myself, took my bath and got ready to leave for Texarkana to get the parts installed on the car so it can flat tow behind motor-home. Around 6am I got a thought about bringing the cord that connects the car to motor-home for lights to work, so out to the shed I go to find it. I am ready to hit the road at 7am, but then remember that I have need of the gps as I don't know where I am going in Texarkana, so go searching around the truck for it as I know that is the vehicle I used it last in.

This place is in the boonies as the closest store, diner or anything like that is 5 miles away. I arrive a little after 8am.. I walk around a little (cane in hand) and it is a really nice spot as they also have an RV park beside parts and repairs along side a little pond.

I made sure to have the Kindle app on my phone and got a few free books downloaded and that kept me entertained as I knew I would be there a while as the book shows it as a 7 hour job to install base plate and light kit. Around noon the sweet owner (she has been in the business for 45 years) offered me the company truck to get something to eat while everyone else went to lunch.. I drove 6 miles to the grocery store, got a soda, chicken strips and some new natural Cheetos.. Went back and ate some of it and continued to read as I was and still am very into the book I started called "The Book of Deacon". I have been reading it since I returned home.

Now it was a good thing I went to the shed to get that plug cord as they guys needed to know type of plug to install on car.. Now small hiccup was that the end of my cord had the wires pulled for some reason and they could not be put back, so a new plug end had to be installed. Now if I did not have this with me, that would have become a major hiccup as I would have plugged in the car to RV and nothing would have worked and that would have meant driving without lights or signals on the car.. That would not have been good.. Now I still have to go out and connect car to motor-home to make sure the new wiring of the new plug is correct. I will be able to know if there are tail lights and signal lights, but without a 2nd person, I will not be able to hit the brakes in motor-home and see if they work on the car too..

Now in the next few days I will need to finish packing up stuff into motor-home and then the real fun begins, NOT! I have to clean the house really good.. I started a little bit of it yesterday.. Once the packing and house are done, I am free to hit the road.. Well that is after the fight on getting the animals inside of the RV..

Picture attached is the modifications to the front end of the car that will enable me to tow it and cost $1100 for parts and labor..

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