It is slow going getting motor-home ready for hitting the road, as my body does not always cooperate.
Outside was cleaned a week ago and today inside is getting a good cleaning. It is so hot out (90's) that I had to plug in RV and turn on AC. Oiled all the wood, cleaned and conditioned all the leather, vacuumed, caulked shower (will after caulk is cured), stripped bed and furniture throws and washed them as well as all the towels even though they were not used. Tomorrow if my body is being nice to me, I will clean up the cab area and reorganize my dashboard zoo that lives on it.
Next will be the packing of things I can think of that will be needed. No list, as I have never been good with them. I either don't look at them, lose them or forget I even have one. I'm just going to wing it, as I spot or think of stuff I will put it aside to haul out and store.
My dog knows something is up and even though it was cooler in RV, she went and laid down by the fence in the shade. She does not like to go, as she gets motion sickness. Once we land somewhere though, she is one happy dog as she like her mom, loves adventure. Not sure what is going to happen when I get the cat in there as she has never been traveling in the RV and has only done one car road trip.
Pictures show comfy living while traveling and camping. Sure beats a tent at my age. :-)
I will be sitting around Texarkana on the 31st for 7 hours as parts for towing car get installed. Base plate is heavy and I still have to try and get it into car. Just remembered that I still have to clean inside of the car before I take it in.
Entry Side
I am hoping that every thing will be done with RV so it is ready to roll out 1st week of June.
Part of bedroom |
Sofa bed with recliners |
Dining area |
Kitchen area |
Toilet across from sink in water closet |
Entertainment center above cab |
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