Follow Natale as she travels all over the world, in search of adventure and friends, capturing those moments in words, videos, and photos. Help her get to her next destination through donations, and she may be coming to visit you!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Update on Natale
Thank you to all for the support for my aunt. She's a strong woman, but she needs to know there are those out there that love her, care about what happens to her, and want to encourage her to keep going :).
Monday, June 18, 2012
Day 12, Day 13, Day 14, Day 15, Day 16
Nothing to post for day 12, as I have been sick all day. Headache, sore throat, hot and freezing cold flashes, sinus issues and more. Because I can't take meds, by body has become a fighter. Fever has finally broke (2am day 13). Now just need the rest of it to go away. Wish I had soup onboard.
<p>Time to take dog out and then go back to laying down. </p>
<p>Day 13 is pretty much the same as 12 without the fever. Plus from being in bed more then out of it last 2 days, every muscle and joint is screaming. Dog has not gone out in 12 hours so need to do that. Good thing most campers are gone and I don't have to walk her. </p>
<p>Oh, there was a little excitement last night. Saw 4 police cars and ambulance with lights on go by and a helicopter was flying around looking for someone for over an hour. </p>
<p>Spent most of the day dozing and freezing under the blanket. By 9pm that changed and I awoke with a damp shirt. Hoping I will be better tomorrow. </p>
<p>Day 14, very weak. Have not had anything with real nutrition in days. Have not urinated so guess dehydration has set in. I try and drink water whenever I get up, but I guess it is not enough. I will either get better or die in the desert.</p>
<p>Hopefully I will stop being sick and have more to blog about.</p>
<p>Woke up last night soaked head to toe. It kept coming out for almost a hour. Once I stopped gushing, got cleaned up and put dry clothes on. Then came the chills. Fever keeps coming and going. Right now I'm just burning up. If just the headache and nausea would go away that would help some. You know I am really sick, have not smoked since this all started.</p>
<p>We can say day 16 was an expensive day. So sick couldn't sleep so called 911 to catch a ride. The Fire/Emts here at Cochiti are all local volunteers and got here pretty fast. They decided to take me to St.Vincent in Santa Fe. On the way out they stopped at the shop to switch people. Putting in iv line he used a needle that was to big and that vein is blown. Nothing but a giant black and blue knot on that hand.
Using a much smaller needle now and going higher on arm, we finally got a line in. I have a bruise on my finger as that is where blood draw had to be gotten from. Of course my inner arms are all bruised and I look like a druggy from all their missing because they never listen to the one person who really does know their body best.
Night shift started processing me and respected my liver issues and did not force any meds. Then day shift took over and started just pushing stuff into my line. I was told most livers don't like meds. When blood test came back they found my enzymes up, because mine really does not. Looks like I will need to take some meds to kill this infection. Not sure on why blood platlets are low, but will have them checked again later on.
Testing is brutal. Choke me with a Strep test to my tonsils. Then there is the flu test where they try to drown nasal passage with saline and suck you boogers out. Awful feeling and I said if they wanted my boogers I would have preferred to pick them a few.
Only way back to campground was a taxi and that was big bucks $110. Rangers were good about checking on dog.
Still need to get my prescription filled, but tomorrow is another day.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Day 11
Got up at 6:20am took out dog, fed dog and cat and went back to bed. Though a little broken up, for the first time in a long time I got 10 hours sleep. Now to get ready for my day out with Heather.
Took dog for nice walk so she went potty. Feel like a mean mom leaving her without food, but she will be locked in 75 degree RV for 9-10 hours. This will be a good test on how long she can hold it.
Met a women over by bathroom who made fun of us people with AC running. Though today is actually a nice day and I explained that mine has to be on for pets. It is on for me only when temps go over 80. She thought dog was old and was surprised to find she was only 8.
Time to head south to Albuquerque. I think it is only an hour drive, but will give myself some leeway.
Wound up being an hour early, so getting a bite to eat in a sit down restaurant. Have not eaten in a restaurant since November 2011. Nothing fancy because I want to have room for dinner tonight with Heather and all her Partilite family of friends. So short stack and OJ only.
Heather arrived, I collected my stuff and got in her car. Don't know about her, but for me it did not feel like a first meet. Things flowed and was real comfortable from the moment I got in her car. We walked around Old Town and ate sopapillas. We stopped in the mall for Heather to get something from Bed and Bath. They were sold out. Ms Booth introduced me to her favorite clothes store. We shopped the sales and I now own my softest and most expensive pair or sweat pants from Hollister. Never heard of them till today as I am a bargain shopper not a brand shopper. I am told they will last a long time. We shall see. :-P
Next we meet up with M, Jimmy, Devon, Dustin, Liz and Rick at Boston Bar and Grill for dinner. Heather and I not that hungry, so we split 3 sliders. Heather ate the fries and I got a side of broccoli as I have been veggie deficient lately.
After dinner we drove up to Sandia Tramway way to look out over everything. One day next week we plan on going on tram just before sunset. Plus doing so scares me and I will face that fear.
Back at camp by 11pm. Dog did good for 12 hours. Only thing she got in trouble for was getting on couch. She knows better, but figured she was watching out window as I left blind up a little for cat to look out. I am sure my dog wonders how I always know. If she ever figures it out, she might learn to fix throw she messed up to cover her tracks. Lol
Now it is time to find heat wraps as I really need them tonight.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Day 10
After texting Heather and making plans for Saturday, I listened disk 1 of The Pagen Stone.
Laid down at 11pm and could not get comfortable. Back really bothering me. Got up, made a cup of Chai went out at 3:30am to enjoy the morning. Since campground was asleep I let dog explore on her own off leash.
It is 10:20am and hot out already. Right now all I am going to do is eat brunch and listen to book.
Finished listening to book, shower, dressed and now going to take a short walk with dog. She is not going to like it as it is really to hot for her. I will take her to the lake to cool her off.
Walking I felt leash go taunt and turned to find my dog doing something she has never done. She pooped in middle of road. I guess she really had to go. I had already taken her out 3x prior today. I an not picking that up. Though she was dragging in first 15 mins of walk, she perked a little when she saw jack rabbit. On way back she was so tired she did not even notice the cotton tail.
This time I almost did not think I would make it back to campsite. By mistake took the long route to water. Once close we went down a wall of rocks, (right side of picture is the low end. We did the higher end, as it end on land not water). Picture with distance view, we already walked half the distance to water. I am already dreading walk back before we even get to destination.
Dog even though she was cautious and thought out every move, still beat me down. I tapped rocks every step of the way to make noise and warn rattelers. I almost fell a few times and almost broke walking stick once to prevent fall. Dog swam and drank. I went through 20 oz of water in 1 1/2 hours. Uphill killed me and I am not day walking in the desert again unless temps go down or it is raining.
No more today as back is screaming once again, my knee is unhappy and I need both settled for my date tomorrow.
Time to eat, read, relax and maybe nap.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Day 9 Traveling Day
What a night. First to hot even with windows and vents open to sleep. Plus could not find a position that would help my back stop hurting. Then dog added to the mix because she was upset she could not sleep in her spot when slide is closed. Funny how animals make their own routine and get upset when broken. I know she wants to be close, but she can see me from living room. Not like it is far away. Finally started to fall asleep when my guts started up. Lets just say for next hour it is a good thing I have an onboard water closet. Don't know what was the cause, but almost afraid to eat. Will have a little oatmeal though, as I'm hungry.
Cat was funny in that anything not in its place or something new is cause to slowly approach and whack it. When she jumped in bed and saw an odd object near my pillows, she did just that. Now she has met my pocket pistol.
Upon taking the dog out this morning I found I did not lock door and that is something that is normally habit. :-(
Onboard generator has not been run in 7 month, so it was stubborn staying started at first. Tire was down 60 lbs this morning. Did something I never do. I left air in compressor just in case I need a few lbs before I park again for the night.
Stopped at Flying J in Amarillo TX to top off tank. Walked dog and then went in for.99 44oz soda. Fancy machine that had a syrup dispenser. So put 2 squirts of cherry and 2 of lemon. That was a really good Pepsi. Since pizza was a 2 for, I got 2 slices. One for lunch and one for dinner.
Next stop was a rest area west of Santa Rosa NM. I was planning on staying there for the night. Plans changed for two reasons. One, when I took dog out and was hit by the heat, I knew we needed AC. Air hot, wind hot and hard to breath. Second, there was only 108 miles left to go. I will pay another $10 to have a campsite with power.
Upon parking last night the wind came and I have been dealing with it since. Driving in it with such a high profile rig is tiring and sucks up the fuel. Driving on hwy 285 was not bad as it was more tailwind that time.
Found out my $10 a night campsite with 50 amp power has no water. That is fine though. I unhooked car, backed into a site with water and put some in the tank. Of course the people from TX that reseved it came in while I was filling. They were nice about it, but I did not want to hold them up. I stopped at 2/3rd and got out of the way. Good thing to as more were coming in.
Even though my spot is on a hill where I picked to park in it was level. So I only had to drop jacks for support, for slides to be put out. Once power was hooked up, I got AC on and then finish setup. Cat is finally out of hiding. We all ate and now I am resting as my back not happy with me.
Since I am here for 10 days I am hoping to be able to meet up/hang out with Heather and Sarai, as well as see things I may have missed when here in 07 for a week.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Day 8 Travel Day
Started the day at 9:23am. Slowly got things done and headed out around 11am. Of course when I arrived a week ago I had to setup in rain and today I got to undo it all in the rain. Glad I don't melt.
I tried to find/see the Bison for days and they were elusive. Now that it is raining, I am driving RV and can't pull over, they are out.
In no rush, so stopped at dump station first. Just got on I-35 and now stopped at first rest area I came to, to take dog out. She was freaking out to much early when the slides closed. She knows routine, cat doesn't. So cat did not freak until we started moving.
Without someone to walk around and check things behind me, quadruple check somethings. What I found I missed on this walk around is a low drive tire. Must have a leak. :-( Next fuel stop I hope they have air. If not, I will have to crank generator and get out air compressor.
Stopped at Flying J in OKC off I-40. My first fill up since I left home on a full tank. Always try and park with no less then 1/2 tank (40 gals) but full is better. Cost for this 56 gals after my discount (reason I try to use FJ or Pilot) is $195.53. A savings of $4.48. Every little bit I can save, the better. Found air hose and driver side drive tire was down 45lbs. All others good, so will have keep a eye on this one.
Being a good girl and taking a lunch break now. Tuna salad on crackers, diced peaches and a cookie from my Lunch on the Run lunch kit.
Dog is having water and cat still hiding under chair.
Oklahoma wind really hurt my fuel economy bad on this tank. :-( Bucking that wind was not fun as it made me have to tense and my neck and shoulders don't like tense.
There was no way to get around it, so I did the only thing I could and ran it over. To afraid to stop and look to see if damage was sustained, I just kept driving. Now that I am stopped for the night, I guess it is time to go inspect things. In answer to the question I know is on your minds now. 1mile east of exit 82 on I-40 west I had to run over a semi tire. Not a piece of tire, a whole tire less the wheel (thank goodness). One big round tire right in the middle of my lane and with my size, car in tow and a vehicle in other land, there really was no going around it. :-(
My location for the night is a rest area near Jericho TX. End slot was taken, so bedroom slide can't go out tonight.
Inspection done and I don't see any physical damage and really glad it missed the car. I do see a small puddle under engine area, but don't know if it is me or last person who was parked here. I will check later to see if it dries or gets bigger. Bad news is that drive tire is low again. So will have to pull out compressor and crank generator prior to leaving. I guess I will need to find a big rig tire shop to have leak fixed somewhere along the way.
For now I am going to try and relax and then figure out what I have to eat that does not require me turning on generator for defrosting or nuking something to eat.
Pics were taken at rest area while walking dog.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Day 7
Nothing to blog about. Cleaned some and found toilet leak. Got tools out and hope I fixed it. Found 10 episodes of Hero's from 09 on DVR and watched them. Took cat outside with leash. Let her freak out and run in circle for a min. She then reached for me to pick her up and back inside we went. I put her down and she reached back, so picked she up and snuggled for a little.
Tomorrow is time to put things away, close up slides and hit the road westward bound.
2am and not ready for sleep yet. :-( Good thing check out here is not till 5pm and I have 2 1/2 days to make a 12 hr drive. I can take lots of breaks.
Bad thing is that making reservation on smart phone with all the reloading there was a goof that I hope can be fixed. Found out that loop I'm in is no pets. Must have lost the chk mark on a page reload. Hope I can trade for a site in a loop where they are allowed. That is if there is one still available. Fingers crossed.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Day 6
Going to be another fairly non active day. Not only because of feeling fatigued, but also because it is way to hot and humid.
Feels good being able to wear my favorite Levi cargo pants that I have not been able to wear for over 4 years when my body did a massive 20 lb weight gain in a week and slowly kept climbing and fluctuating since then. I guess herbs and actually eating more then once a day is helping a little.
Don't know why I showered and dressed today. Took dog for a walk to lake. She got in, but my dog won't really swim. She walks around biting at the water. I rarely wear shorts, so I just watched at waters edge. By the time we walked back, I was very damp. Need another shower now.
I have seen a lot of dragonflies in my life, but never so many different species in one place.
There are still a few people camping by the lake. I saw something I have never seen before. Tent campers in RV site so they could have power to run a 5 cu ft chest freezer they brought along. I guess ice chests and ice was not good enough.
The big cyclone fan in a campsite is another strange thing to see.
Cat was enjoying my comfy chair when we left. Came back and even though RV is not that big, I have no idea where she went into hiding.
Decided today was a good day to drive to WalMart and pick up a few things, leaving dog in AC of RV. It is so hot, even she doesn't want to go outside. The total bill was just under $115 and I'm a bargain shopper. What I got should (has to) get me through rest of month.
Now off to watch the 15 episodes still on DVR from years ago of 'The Legend of the Seeker' before I delete them. Once DVR is empty there will be nothing left to watch.
It is crazy to do especially in Oklahoma, but love standing outside watching the lightening. My dog of course won't go out and is hiding or so she thinks because of the thundering.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Day 5
Nothing to blog about really. Rough night, so rough the mattress was 5" off bed platform. Was planning on driving over to visit with Marie, but she is sick, so just spending day in AC and actually cooking real food. Pork chops and a veggie.
Oh, after 4 days of wearing harness cat will still not walk. She only slinks around when she needs to move. Hope she adjust soon. Never had a cat take this long.
I have decided that when I leave here I will just head to NM.
I have struggled all day to get site reservations.
Here is what I have so far;
Cochiti Lake Campground NM 6/15-6/25
Haviland Lake Campground CO 6/25-6/30
West Chicago Creek Campground CO 7/1-7/6
(this one is a roughing it site).
North Tongue campground in WY 7/6-7/9
(roughing it again)
Finding a Federal campground site anywhere is not easy as most are booked.
Having trouble finding a sight in MT for more then 4 days.. So might need to either reserve 4 days or hope the only first come site is not taken.
That is it for today.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Day 4
Actually did not fall asleep until after midnight. Slept a little better then I have and did not get up till almost 9am. Dog needed out and cat wanted breakfast.
The nicer host asked me if I wanted to move to a site near the water tomorrow when people pull out. Said I was good where I was. Closer to water means more biting bugs. Here I have only had flies and dragonflies which is better then getting eaten. She also gave me a map and told me of trails and that if I get somewhere and have a problem just call and a ranger will get you back. Also if they see a car parked by a trail for more then two hours, they will ride in to check. I saw yesterday that some rangers ride the trails on golf carts.
Time to eat a little something and then get out of night clothes and then do something. Just know that I can't hike to Buffalo and Antelope Springs, with Paika, because I just read that it is a no dogs trail once it goes east of Nature Center. It then becomes a wheel chair accessible trail. That also tells me that the hike is only a mile in from this area. Maybe park at Nature Center and leave dog in car under shade. Just random thoughts.
Tried to leave dog at camp in AC, but she was not having it. So loaded up and drove to Hillside Springs and parked. Paika decided she now had to pee so walked her to woods. Went to find the trail and remembered I forgot her leash on hood of car. Back we go, hook her up and start again. Hiked to Lincoln Bridge which is the entrance to Flower Park. Here we found the Vendome mineral well shooting water 3' in the air and running into a stream and healing pools. A women about a 100 was filling her jugs and swore to the healing properties. I drank about 1/2 cup worth holding my breath. If dog had any unknown ailments, she should be good from drinking and wading in it. Maybe I should return with a jug. ;-)
Then walked and found Black Sulphur Springs which is not running at leased not to the surface anymore. Rock Creek is a creek fed by 4 mineral springs and dog waded and drank from that too. We are taking a break in the shade as Paika was dragging arse. It is getting hot now.
Probably was a bad idea for break. By doing so mass fatigue washed over me. So calling it quits for now. Hiked back to car which we were happy to see. Dog so happy she could not wait to jump in.
Drove to parking lot near Vendome and put some water in a bottle to drink later. Now back at camp where I will remain for rest of the day. Since I missed ranger program last night, I will walk to Amphitheater for tonights program.
Only took 1 pic with phone today of Lincoln Bridge. Only took a couple more with real camera.
Did attend ranger program at Amphitheater tonight. On the walk over my dog got to see her first Armadillo as it crossed the road only a few feet in front of us. To dark to get a picture. :-(
I was the only one that knew the answer to the question 'how many species were counted at BioBlitz last year'. Even though I was not able to attend as planed due to caring for my mom, I did read up on it after.
Talked to a few hosts afterwards. The one that I got in trouble with yesterday actually fell in love with my dog. When the other host found out I was walking, she said 'that's a long walk, do you at least have a flashlight?' No, but I will be fine as I have good night vision. I was told to be careful of snakes and such. I'll be fine.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Day 3
Got to sleep by midnight. Less tossing about and got out of bed by 8am. Made some Chai, ate some instant oatmeal, fed cat breakfast and took dog out. Sun is out today, so time to shower, dress and see what today brings.
Need to get back to taking my herbs. I've been bad about doing so lately. Got them out of cabinet and doled out a weeks worth. Those are sitting on edge of dining table as that is the most right in your face can't miss them spot.
Guess I picked the wrong time to look at my email. Such a loving missive from ex. (said very sarcastically) about divorce. " I have waited almost 3 months for you to get the money to finish the divorce papers. I have done my part of paying and paperwork. It is your turn to finish it now."
My reply was probably to much information, but I tend to be long winded and explain. " No it is not. Original verbal agreement was you were to pay. Your words 'I did this, I should pay for it'. Right now there are more important things for me then our divorce or even the bathroom for that matter. I don't plan on getting involved ever again. No dating for me, so divorce not important. Only downfall is that if anything happens to either of us, we have spousal rights. I sat in that house dying, my spirit broken. From Jan-June I had only been away from Waldo 2x. Would only go to store when dog/cat food was needed. I knew something had to change when I would visit with the JW's that came to my door. So I got an equity loan to consolidate bills so I could get out of red every month. I got in the black, but barely. I got online and sold some of my scuba gear and a few other things, but not for divorce. It was so get car outfitted to tow. It will be slow going at one tank of fuel a month, but hoping I can make it to Cocolalla before I have to turn around and be back in Waldo for winter. I decided my mind, my crippled up body, my wounded heart and my spirit need attention now and that trumps all. I headed out Wednesday (paperwork left home of course) and only know I will try to return by winter. If I feel up to it and have the money (which I doubt) I may finish it then. If you want it done and over with, feel free to grab the ball and run. My life does not revolve around you anymore. I don't need to do things for you or ensure your happiness anymore. My only job now is to do/care for Me. I am losing mobility, so the time for me is Now. Oh, had no where to have mail forwarded, so until I do it is just stored in Waldo PO. So if any mail is sent, I may not see it till I return. Bye"
That is out of way now. I could have ignored it, but to me that is plain rude. Also if I didn't reply it would have stayed with me all day. Now I can forget about it and enjoy my day. Off are the dog and I to places unknown to us. :-) Made a bottle of lemon water for me and filled another with plain water for her.
Did not use maps or GPS. Today was just a fly by the seat of your pants day and see what I come across. Headed out of campground on a road we had not been on yet and found Little Niagra Falls. Got my walking stick, grabbed camera and then was a good girl and leashed up dog. On this walk we followed the sign to Travertine Island and Lost Cave Falls. Then went off trail following my ears as they heard more falls.
Headed next to Travertine Nature Center. Dog stayed in car as I was just after a postcard and park ink stamp. I try to collect one from all National areas visited. Ranger Vicki and I started talking and we talked about travels, pets, wildlife, what trail dog is allowed on and can get in water. She loved my Click It reading glasses and had me show them off to 3 other rangers. We talked about the different springs that the natives used for their healing properties. One for the sprint, one for the body, one for the mind and another for skin ailments. I need all of them. Ranger B. Rice even offered me a rescued box turtle to adopt. I declined, which was hard for me.
Next I saw a sign for Veterans Lake, so drove over to check it out. On the way stopped at Bromide Hill and stood close to the edge to take a picture of the view. Ran into a lesbian couple with 2 dogs and said hello, then continued the short hike. Did not feel like doing the longer hike as I'm getting worn out. Longer hike would get me to Bromide Springs. This one is for the stomach.
Stopped at Bison Lookout and walked about 1/2 mile of trail before turning back. Did not find the Bison. Maybe try the trail going other direction another day.
Stopped at Hillside Springs and could smell sulphur. Dog drank from this one. Sign said no drinking so I passed. Went over to Pavilion Springs a short walk away and even though I could still smell sulphur I drank a little anyway. Here there was no sign except for one that showed what all was in the water.
Want to go to Buffalo Springs but that is a 2.1 mile walk (1 way) from Pavilion and needs to also be on a different day.
Drove around and saw a sign for Turner Falls, so headed that direction. Did not find falls,
but did find Turner Falls Park which is a tourist area. So turned around and headed back. Got a burger, tots and strawberry slush at Sonic in Davis for $3.06. Filled car up in Sulphur for $3.32 gal. Last time I put gas in car was March and it was $3.80 then.
Drove back to the Buckhorn Campground and as soon as I parked, opened door for dog to get out and got called out by a host to put her on a leash. I struggled to get out of car and stand up. Said she just got out of car, as I hobbled over to RV to open door. Did my tongue click (same as used with horses) and dog went in. Host said Thank You and that I need to get out first and leash dog before she leaves car. :-P
Now to relax and deal with pending headache. So that is it for today.
Took a few phone camera pics for this blog. Good pics are on camera and I can't do anything with them until I get laptop out and connected to internet. But all pics that are put on blog with phone will at least let you see a little of what I am seeing. Don't know why they always upload sideways, but my niece will get them fixed when she can. :-)
Updated Map
Click on the map to see more details.
More to come soon, I'm sure!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Day 2
Fell asleep by 10pm, guess I was really tired. But did not remain asleep long. Tossed around a lot due to back, hips, neck, shoulders hurting and the dang cat constantly jumping on my chest and kneeding. I did try to keep getting sleep and to the joy of the pets, got up around 8am. Made cappucino, gave kids their breakfast and then took dog on a potty walk. My shoes and jacket were shocking to put on as they are still wet.
It is still rainy out, but only a light rain. I am enjoying the coolness of it even if m ybody is not happy. Door and windows are open.
Time to hook up water and turn on water heater.
Put a harness on cat. She did not freak out like other cats have, but still funny watching her belly crawl around trying to rub it off.
Watched some old recorded programs on DVR and dosed every now and then. Guess still tired.
Decided to get out, so took myself and the dog for a short walk around loop D. Saw a lot of people, but of course talked to none. Well with the exception of a guy who asked 'are you the host'? No, but you can find her on loop C space 20. That was my only human contact today.
This evening dog and I walked loop C. Waved at people. Dog is more out of shape then me,even with all my ailments.
Sorry readers, but today is just a boring day. Hope my body and mind are more willing to entertain tomorrow.
Pictures of Arbuckle Lake and my campsite. Lake pictures are from loop D and loop C.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Day 1
I loaded the cat early, so she could walk around and try to get a custom to the place. If nothing else she needed to know where her cat box and food where. When it became time to load the dog I was utterly surprised. Of course her first action once she figured out the game plan was to run to gate. I called her to me, said come, she actually followed and got in. No running, no hiding, she just got in. Smart dog! Seems she knew that I was going and this time no one to stay behind with. Once engine starts dog lays down with head facing kitchen as she will no look out a window if speed is over 30mph. Have no idea yet where my cat went.
Of course while driving I get to thinking or over thinking. Why am I doing this. Can't really afford it, but then again can I afford not to? Last June I received a damaging blow when blindsided by being left for a much younger women. Then in October and November took 3 devastating blows and my spark for life was waining. I had no one around to help me jump start, no one to lean on or talk with f2f in order to help me fix the damage done. I wrapped myself within the walls of the house, had trouble leaving them and was letting my spirit die. I found some spark and decided to do this in hopes that it will help in the repairs and that my spirit will burn bright again. It is only money and what I over spend on credit now, I will deal with paying off over the winter months of doing nothing.
Woops side tracked. That happens a lot when I write. Now back to the scheduled program. :-)
As soon as I got to Texarkana and was about to enter onto I-30, I hear a noise, look in rearview and see draws flying out of pantry. Pull over and pick it all up. That never happened before. I will look into that later as well.
I really have to pee, so find a wide spot and pull over. Nice having a bathroom onboard. I soon discover the cat is under the recliner. That is where last cat would hide. I kneel to pet her and hear a knock on drivers window. Patrolman wanted to know if everything was alright. Said, 'all is fine'. He said 'wanted to make sure you were not broken down. Nope,just had to pee pretty bad. He smiled and I thanked him for his concern. Now I put on seatbelt for short time. Once my shoulder couldn't take the discomfort it was causing, it came off.
Just tootaling along when dog gets ansy as does cat. Dog of course just comes to cab, looks at me then turns around and lays back down. Once she starts doing this every 10 minutes, then I know she has to go bad. Now cat is talking and crying. I talk to her and she comes to rub my hand and then get in lap. She is up, she is down and does this a few times while talking. I am sure that is my signal she has to go to. Unlike last cat who never came out till engine had been of for 20 minutes and once went under chair, KK was good. Since mom was not stopping and following her, she jumped the dog and went in her box while in motion. I am a very proud mommy.
Dog and I have to wait as there is no place to stop. Finally see a Walmart. Pull in, I go first and then let dog out. I stop at car to get her leash with bags attached, just in case. Of course I don't leash her. She follows commands as is standing waiting. We walk to grass area, I say go pee-pee. She does and comes back. I asked if she needed to take a dump? She sits, so that is a no. We walk an I say 'wait' as cars are coming. Once it is clear, I say 'go' and she beats me to RV.
I decided to stay parked for a bit to give the kids a short window to eat and drink. Dog chooses only lots of water, cat goes for it all. I sit and eat my 1st meal (Bumble Bee Lunch in a Box), since 8pm the night before.
I know when I hit OK and don't need a sign to inform me, just start bucking wind. Then the sun is gone, sky is now gray and I am driving straight into black. Get to campground and only 2 non-electric spots available. Host does not answer door. So walk around to get enough signal for internet. Get coordinates for other campground 30 minutes away. As soon as I see entrance the sky opens up. It is coming down hard. I find a reserve spot that is open for 2 days. Drive to flat spot to unhook car. Move car off road as ranger is waiting behind me. Get back in RV and drive loop again. Back perfect in spot. So proud of myself as I have always had a spotter in the past. Walk to get car and then start to level when host shows up. Of course by now I am pretty wet. Told I need to move as anyone can reserve site tonight. So follow host with just the car to an open site on another loop. Pay and get a ride back in golf cart. Did another good backing job, but this time had to readjust as bedroom slide was to near a tree to open fully. Of course by now I am a drowned rat. I hook up power but decided to forgo water for the night. Cat has a bowl from pitcher and dog has a bowl from rain water.
Due to lack of good internet signal, went into electronics cabinet and found cell booster and got it hooked up. Of course got a phone call and now need to find charger as phone almost dead.
Animals seem comfortable now and dog is finally eating at 9pm. I nuked some teriyaki noodles for my dinner. Now it is time to train cat as she thinks dining table is for sleeping. Told her to get down, she did and in now causing me pain by kneeding my stomach. Told her my body hurt enough from todays events. Opened the blind and window behind couch and she is enjoying that for the moment.
I think I will get out of these clothes now, hang them to dry and then see if I can get some sleep.
This takes a long time to touch type on phone. Good thing I have nothing better to do. I have either caught your attention and you enjoyed the tale or I bored you to death. ;-) Till next time.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Almost Ready
I made a decision to get done all the I could today, no matter how hot it is, how tired I am or how much I hurt. Water in tank (only a third), pump and lines primed. Cat box in, jacks up and slides closed.
Now I am on break (2:43pm) as I need to eat. Still lots more last minute stuff to do.
It is now 4:30pm, my dog is hiding because she saw me pull car up to back of RV. Smart girl knows something is up. Car hooked up and everything tested but brake lights. Need help to test those. Remembered to get some tools and put on new license plate as well as new tag. Put new tag on car too.
Now I need to put additives in truck fuel so it stays good while sitting for who knows how long. Tomorrow I will drive it to PO so additives run through system. I will make calls to shut things off (need not pay for what is not in use) and do errands.
Of course animals and computers get put in just prior to pulling out, which I am hoping is Wed.
That is all for now. More to come once on the road.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
House in AR
I decided today was the day I would start to clean house.. I took pictures of the rooms so you can see how I live day to day and also just in case something happens to house while I am away..
If you were to visit me, this is how you would find these rooms 80% of the time... To some, you may think 'if the house has not been cleaned yet, what is clean?' You really don't want to know the answer to that question.. LOL..
Lets just say I have learned to live with the way things are, having stuff just sitting around and not put away..You may not be able to tell by picture, but there are dishes in the sink..
The other 20% the rooms are clean, that is cleaned with cleaner, things picked up/put away, vacuumed and dusted.. Two rooms you will see are the catch all rooms... The spare bedroom (as I never get guests) and the dining room (as I only use it to make cigs).. Dining room has all the supplies for working on the house stacked around.. The spare bedroom gets everything else..The laundry room, well there are normally more clean clothes folded and stacked on the washer and dryer, but they were moved to the RV.. The only thing that is different about the living room from a normal day, is the throws from couch and love-seat are missing as they are in the washer for their monthly washing..
Now off to clean, vacuum and dust.. Oh, cleaned kitchen floor and do dishes too.
If I get all the cleaning done and the rest of the stuff in the RV in the next few days, I will be able to hit the road anytime after.. :-)
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Catch all room |
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Extra bedroom |
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View from my bed |
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My bedroom |
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Another view of Dn Rm |
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Dining room |
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In its own alcove |
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In its own alcove |
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My unfinished custom tub/shower |
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All that sunlight is from pet door |